Our Services
We provide a comprehensive range of services, as categorised below. After reviewing your circumstances, our
services can be tailored to your needs.
- Annual Compliance Services
Including preparation of financial statements and income tax returns, administration of income tax and maintenance of company and trust records.
- Other Compliance Services
Covering GST returns preparation and administration, assistance with PAYE, FBT and ACC.
- Business Services
BankLink setup and training, preparation of budgets, cashflows and management reports, company incorporations, liquidations and removals, limited partnerships and trustee duties.
- Tax Planning
Assistance with all tax planning requirements to ensure you are paying the right amount of tax.
Terms of Engagement
As members of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants, we must comply with Service Engagement Standard 2
and obtain an engagement letter wherever we compile financial information. This includes the preparation of
any financial information including financial statements and the associated income tax returns.
Once in place, the terms of the engagement letter remain in force until
varied by us in writing to you or until cancelled by either of us.
A sample of our standard engagement letter can be found here: