Our Fees
At Grange
Associates Ltd we believe that it is important that you understand how we charge for our services.
Our Time and Cost system provides full detail of all time spent on your affairs. Our philosophy is that
since this information is available, why not just provide it to you. Hence, we have designed invoices and
reports that are completely transparent and list all time and cost in detail.
We benchmark our hourly rates against an annual New Zealand-wide public practice KPI survey to ensure that they are
consistent with those of comparable chartered accounting firms. Although these rates
are usually higher than non-chartered firms', we believe chartered accountants’ outputs are clearly
Time and Cost
Time and Cost accumulates a record of our efforts using real-time electronic
timesheets. Consistent with other Chartered Accountants, our fees are based on 6 minute
intervals. We do not separately charge general disbursements (ie photocopying, postage, stationery) but do
recharge at cost BankLink fees, external advice, Companies Office fees and couriers.
Hourly Rates
Our current rates are:
Jack |
$340 + GST |
Gael |
$270 + GST |
Abbey |
$200 + GST |
We last increased our rates on 1 January 2022. Our rates are consistent with comparable chartered
accounting firms, as identified in relevant benchmarking surveys.
Invoices and Reports
As we mentioned above, we are committed to transparency in our billing.
To illustrate this we have provided examples of our invoices and T&C reports. We can produce
T&C reports detailing all the time spent on a client’s affairs. This is a brilliant tool for helping our
clients determine where efficiencies can be made and allows for a realistic expectation for the coming year’s